News & Insights
Worrying signs that retail recovery will be slow
To say that the current retail environment is challenging is a huge...
Plastic: should we treat it with contempt or respect?
This month you can expect to see a lot of social media posts about...
Retail Apocalypse Now?
The media have been reporting about the demise of bricks and mortar...
Restarting Retail – essential information for trading in a pandemic
Restarting Retail is a small phrase but has really big implications. As...
Apart but connected: collaboration to save the planet
All over the world collaboration is happening to overcome the dire...
Brave New World
To say that our world has changed completely in the last two weeks is...
WOW Women of the World come to Ireland?
I celebrated International Women’s Day this year in London at the Women...
Is scalability the most important factor in sustainability?
Scalability is the second of the three pillars of sustainability. The...
Green for go: why a Green Audit should be on your 2020 to do list
A green audit is a systemic way of looking at your whole business - what...
Business Sustainability and Ryanair
This week Ryanair had one of their ads banned by the Advertising...
Transparency – what does it mean for your business and your life?
In November I attended the Westminster Business Forum on Sustainability,...
Who made my clothes?
Fashion Revolution started their campaigning in 2015 with the slogan...