News & Insights
Five Powerful Ways to Transform your Retail Business in 2018
So it’s 2018! Christmas has come and gone and it was good, bad or...
My Bah Humbug Moment!
This is a headline you won’t see coming up on your newsfeed. How quickly...
Why Irish Retailers should think twice about Black Friday
So what’s this event really about? Where did it spring from and why has...
What IS the shape of retail in Ireland in 2017? Local or global?
Name a shop in Ireland and who do you think of? Penneys, Dunnes or Brown...
How I saw the light – rebranding my business
The Road to Damascus is a metaphor for those light bulb moments we all...
Is v-commerce the next big thing? Staying ahead of the curve
Every retailer wants to stay a step ahead of their competitors and be the...
Statistics and Damned Lies
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." This...
Price, Value and Cost – Are they the same thing?
Three words for the same thing? It may look like that at first glance but...
29th February 2016
As promised here is my second blog on this auspicious date of 29th...
15th February 2016
This is my first foray into the world of blogging, so if you're reading...