A green audit is a systemic way of looking at your whole business – what you buy, what you sell and how you do it. It measures your carbon footprint and looks at ways to mitigate this. It will almost certainly save you money in the process.

What is it?

A review of your business to evaluate your carbon footprint in 5 areas:

  1. Energy
  2. Buildings
  3. Travel
  4. Waste and plastic
  5. Water

If you sell goods it will look at your supply chain. By their nature supply chains are complicated. The green audit checks where your goods come from, who made them and how, and how transparent the process is from raw material to shop floor. It may not be possible to find out everything you need to know but that is part of the journey. 

We then look at mitigation measures to reduce your carbon footprint – saving you money in the process.

Having arrived at a net carbon footprint, you can offset this through various projects. Offsetting means funding solutions to climate change around the world.You will then be minimising the effect of your business and its processes on the planet.

Why is it important? 

Without bombarding you with scary facts and figures, the reality is that we are currently using 1.7 planets to provide the resources needed to produce goods and absorb waste. And we only have one planet. Here is a 3 minute Climate 101 video from National Geographic that explains it briefly and clearly. Ireland could also face fines from the EU for failing to meet our carbon reduction targets or may have to purchase carbon credits at an estimated cost of between €230 million and €610 million. And you can be sure that the taxpayer will have to cover those costs one way or another. 

What’s in it for me?

There is much in the media and general discourse about climate change and what we are/should be doing about it. This will only intensify as climate change has been declared a climate crisis in many countries. This is trickling down to consumers through the choices they are making about who they do business with, whether it’s buying a product or using a service. By doing a green audit you will be ahead of your competitors and will also be contributing to reducing our carbon emissions so that we are living within the boundaries on one planet. And it will probably save you money along the way. So, do it for your business, your country and your planet!

If you’d like to find out more about how your business can be a market leader by doing a Green Audit please get in touch. All contact details on this page.

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